Ps HW 1
One image that brought me close to my emotions was the image of putin. I think the idea of being able to get anyone to open up is a beautiful idea no matter how they may seem. I think Putin’s picture is one of the best pictures that symbolizes Platon’s work because Platon did not look at Putin’s political life, but instead he looked at his human life. Platon likes to ask people about their lives and is able to see past certain aspects of their lives. He gets personal and completes an entire story instead of just one chapter. With Putin, he was able to talk about the Beatles and find common ground with someone who most would say is levels of importance above Platon.
People, especially those who are famous and influential, may have one side of them that is overseen. Nobody is just one thing no matter how they may be portrayed and too many people have parts of themselves that are forgotten about by many outsiders. This could be dehumanizing in ways and to have someone ask about you could be a nice feeling. It may just remind you of who you are or it could be an indicator for you that people do still care about the human side of you.
The picture shown below is of the common living space in my suite. In this room, I have bonded with my roommates and the many other people that we have met. There have been games, television watch parties, dinners and more. Without this space, I would not have met many people or even become friends with any of them. This has been a great place to create connections like no other.
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